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Showing posts from July, 2014


At a point, you just don’t care. Well, let me re-phrase…it’s not that you don’t care, but you’ve actually reached the end of your rope and can go no further. The phenomenon of past-pointing: It seems like you’re reaching far beyond your original/intended objective- and not in a good way, mind you. Pathological? Maybe not. What I however know is this- at that point, take a deep breath, pause if you wish/must…but don’t stop. You just might hit the target…you just might.


Maybe that’s one of the really genuine reasons the general public considers doctors/medical professionals/scrub nurses/ OR staff mean. Debridement, I mean. Anyone who’s ever had a relatively extensive wound that required this process of removing necrosed (dead) tissue would be familiar with the pain…well, if not done under anaesthesia. But we all have undergone some form of debridement…at one point in time or the other. How? You ask me. I’d say through corrections e.g. when someone ‘shouts on your head’ or talks sense into you; or when the great dad/mum refused to spare the rod and had you severely flogged for an unpardonable(?) offence committed or better still, when God gives you grueling tasks to complete with seemingly little assistance. I think that’s pretty close to the process of debridement, for as in debridement, the immediate thought is that ‘this person hates me’. However, it helps- well, eventually- but definitely not on the spot. My point is this…pain is pain ...


I know hope exists, but I don't want to assume that I know all of what hope holds. Joy maybe? Sadness maybe? Longing maybe? Or maybe a little of everything... Seems like a riddle.