Welcome to the blog where our supero-inferior lives (our ups & downs) are interwovenly discussed. Today, our "heartitudes"; the states of our hearts are sought and talked about.
Yeah...we are the privileged few- regardless of where we are situated in the world to be 'chosen' as medics- what with the extremely strict entry requirements soever for any field.
The inspiration for blogging today came from a movie directed by David Nixon titled Letters to God...had it on my system for a while but totally ignored it cos yeah; I felt it was gonna be boring. The story was woven around a little boy who had lost his father and was battling with cancer. In spite of all of these; little Tyler inspired hope in the lives of those around him through his letters to God. Now the bible passage shown at the end of this movie was 2 Cor 3:3- "You are a letter...written not with pen and ink but with the Spirit of the living GOD" You're probably asking this question: What's that got to do with me?!
It might sound skeptical to you, but you really are a letter! Just as that young boy was a warrior, we are warriors wherever we are on the battle-ground of the medical field; whether as students, resident doctors, qualified doctors, academicians, researchers etc. Just as the attitude of little Tyler towards his battles helped him win (though he died, he won by bringing people closer to God) our heartitudes on the field could help inspire even people we least expect.
"You give me hope in spite of everything,
You show me love even with so much pain,
So I'll take this life and live like I was given another chance"
Let this be the song sung by the world about you!
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