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As he tossed and turned that night, unable to get a wink of sleep; Fola asked himself tons of questions.
Like how he had gotten himself into all of this.
And what exactly, the essence of love as he knew it was.
He had really thought Bunmi was ‘THE ONE’. She had basically appealed to him on so many fronts.
And there was something else, wasn’t there?
The rarity of their almost seamless connection.
How they had always known what the other was thinking before anyone phonated.
Everyone had seen them as the perfect ‘power’ couple in school.
He rolled over again, the creaking noises the bed made almost in tune with his protesting heart.
He replayed in his mind once again, her last words from less than 6 hours ago.
‘Fola’ she had said, while looking everywhere but into his eyes
‘I wish…I wish we didn’t have to end this way. I even tried stalling it several times while we were still together, but eventually, I just had to let go.’ She sighed.
‘God knows how hard it is for me to see you hurt this way’
In that instant, all he had wanted to do was cradle her in his arms. Tell her that whatever it was, they would figure it out.
Reminded her that they had always been teammates and their dream wedding they had planned could indeed, still hold.
Instead, the words that came out of his mouth in rapid succession were
‘Bums, are you really sure this is what you want?’
And then, she finally gazed at him. Those gems of eyes he could kill for, gazing into the dark crevices of his heart and warming them with their own willful strain of blood. This woman standing here, was meant for him, his breaking heart whispered loudly enough for the wind to carry as nervous impulses to his brain.
He was supposed to be her knight in shining armor.
‘Fola, please’
‘Is this what you want Bums? What you really want? If you answer in the affirmative, I promise to keep my distance’ he swallowed, as he stared into those eyes again.
 ‘To let you go’
Finally, with visibly glistening eyes, she said:
‘Yes, this is what I want. YES’
His world was falling apart, the walls crumbling right before his eyes.
He would have to tell his mum that there were no fairy grandkids in sight.
That was all he remembered as sleep mercifully took him
‘Felix, Felix! Wake up, go to your hostel and freshen up. Lets’ go to class’
‘I must still be dreaming’ Felix thought.
‘Oh, who is disturbing my dream at this time? And we just wrote end of posting exam in my dream’ he painfully sighed
Slowly opening his eyes, he made out the image of Tolu, standing with her arms akimbo and moving her head from left to right repeatedly.
‘What was this girl’s problem sef?’ he thought
‘I go love o! So you slept here all night?’
‘I had to stay with Linda now. What if she needed some form of emergency help during the course of the night?’
‘I’m sorry sir, I forgot you were the doctor on call’
With a smirk on his face, Felix retorted
‘And I forgot you were the house officer doing her early morning rounds’
Linda opened her eyes
She brought her right hand to her freshly stitched and bandaged abdomen. She winced a little.
‘Linda, how are you?’ Tolu said.
‘I brought you dodo with fried eggs, and tea’
She smiled
 ‘That’s so sweet. Thanks dear’
‘Felix, did you sleep here? You look a tad …I don’t know, disheveled’
‘Oh it’s me you’re speaking English to abi?’
He mimicked her facial expression ‘You look a tad…I don’t know, disheveled’
They all laughed.
‘Ah, e gbami o! Yee…mo ti daran o! (I’m in trouble o!)
‘Iya Kike…Iya kike o!’
The woman at the bedside of the patient next to Linda was screaming, at the top of her lungs, and there was some attendant commotion.
The nurse on duty got there and started chest compressions.
Doctor Amao, who had just been paged, rushed in and took over, till the woman became stable and was placed on Intravenous Adrenaline
It was time for ward rounds
‘So, whose patient is this?’ Dr Afuarida asked. They were at Linda’s bedside.
The students shifted uncomfortably and looked at the ground.
‘So you mean to tell me that no one actually clerked this patient?’
Linda braced herself for some more drama because, my dear, this ward round was going to be toxic!

Want to read previous episodes? Read in the blog archive.
The series continues with the 5th episode next Wednesday. 
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