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“My son, if sinners entice you, do not pout.”

I was in the kitchen when this particularly interesting statement was made by one of my siblings. It did stir up a little ruckus as I had to come out to investigate that theory. I mean, that isn’t in my bible! Lol. Anyways, as I later confirmed, it was a circumstantial statement. It however birthed an inspirational idea-you got it- the anatomico-spiritual relevance of a pout!
What is pouting?
It is simply the act of pushing one’s lips or one’s bottom lip forward as an expression of petulant annoyance or in order to make oneself look attractive.

Muscles involved in pouting are listed below:
-          Orbicularis oris
-          Depressor anguli oris
-          Mentalis
-          Depressor labii inferioris
-          Platysma

Pouting closes off the lower face by:
-          Pressing the lips together
-          Pressing the tongue against the palate
-          Constricting the pharynx in preparation to swallow

Why people pout:
-          Ask ladies: it’s used as a pictorial pose
-          Ask children: it’s used when sulking
-          Ask others: it’s generally a facial expression that depicts the mood of resignation to fate
Biblical injunction:
When sinners entice you, do not consent (this one’s in my bible! Prov. 1:10). Don’t walk in way of sinners, trying to consider if there is a moral justification for the sin; stand in the way of mockers, inactively pouting and irrelevant to their progress into the light; sit in the presence of the scornful, breeding slothful scorn!
Instead, when sinners entice you, activate your sympathetic nervous system for a fight-flight response, and talk to your legs; for it is no use spreading out a net where birds can see it (Prov. 1:17)
A word they say, is enough for the wise.


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