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“You cannot win a trophy if you’re atrophied!”
While ruminating on the human body as usual, I became fascinated by our muscles. Though the human muscular system is very strong and very well equipped for adequate living, without good management, exercise and a healthy diet, muscles atrophy.
Spiritual freedom can as well be easily lost without adequate management- when exercise and a healthy dose of God’s word are in absentia, rapid degeneration of spiritual life occurs- subtly maybe, but surely! This is called spiritual atrophy.
Digression: Lets’ talk a bit on atrophy…
Crash course on Atrophy
DEFINITION: Decrease in muscle mass- due to partial/complete muscle wasting
TYPES: Disuse atrophy, Neurogenic atrophy
CAUSES: Starvation, prolonged periods of hibernation e.t.c.
 MECHANISM OF ACTION: Downregulation of protein synthetic pathways, Activation of protein degradation pathways
ANALYSIS: Done by measuring amount of urea in urine
TREATMENT: Exercise, administration of anabolic steroids such as methandrostenelone  

Atrophy of spiritual freedom
A sequence by which spiritual freedom atrophies has been proven true, over and over again. Check this quote by Alexander Taylor: “The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations…always progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence and from dependence back into bondage.”
Periods of abundance often births complacency and from there a downward spiral back into bondage.
Complacent freedom achieves nothing but atrophy; by which we often lose our trophies.
Good day people! 


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