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Showing posts from April, 2014


I saw a woman crying today. She was in front of the accident and emergency ward, crying and praying, because most likely, a relative of hers was in that ward, receiving immediate treatment. I felt for her. Just yesterday, I asked a friend to remind me of what I was doing in medical school once again. She asked me if I had received another calling… I have been called to help. I am studying medicine BECAUSE of that woman and several others who are in pain. The only- or should I say, the most important (?) reason I am here today, studying this beautiful course, which is extremely time-consuming is to put a smile on their faces- as many of them as God would have me treat. And for this reason, I have to be the best of the best, knowing as much as I can and should- birthing and keeping and transforming lives. I just had to remind myself, and for as many people are doing things they love, don’t give up. Make a difference.


Of course, I watch Grey’s Anatomy. What’s funny that I started not so long ago. And trust me, I’ve gotten so into it that I barely go a day without seeing an episode. Their love lives, I must confess, however, attract me more than their lives as medical professionals…or is it the intertwined assortment/blend? I guess it is. The vital lesson this series has taught me is that not all happily ever afters eventually end up becoming “happily ever after” and that not all sweethearts/connected lovebirds make it to the end. That’s funny, ain’t it? Coz I thought love was supposed to be enough. I was particularly baffled when I learnt that Izzy left Karev- after how much he stood by her when she had cancer! I haven’t even seen the episode and my heart is already breaking at the thought. Well, back to the point: Not every love story will last, it’s simply a fact. And while it’s not a fact that makes me happy, it’s one that makes me cautious. A relationship- and consequently marriage, isn...


Heb 6:4-6 (AMP) For it is impossible [to restore and bring again to repentance] those who have been once for all enlightened, who have consciously tasted the heavenly gift and have become sharers of the Holy Spirit,  And have felt how good the Word of God is and the mighty powers of the age and world to come, If they then deviate from the faith and turn away from their allegiance — [it is impossible] to bring them back to repentance, for (because, while, as long as) they nail upon the cross the Son of God afresh [as far as they are concerned] and are holding [Him] up to contempt and shame and public disgrace. Nerves are the essential intermediary connecting the brain to the effector cells. A nerve is composed only of axonal (distal) segments of different neurons carrying signals in the same direction, it is a bundle of fibers forming a network that transmits messages in the form of impulses between the brain or spinal cord and the body's organs. While motor nerves carry im...


The more you look, the less you see A herd is a large group of people with a common interest, purpose or bond. Herd immunity is also known as community immunity, and it refers to the measure of protection which is provided to individuals in the community who are not immunized by the vaccination of a significant portion of that community. Therefore, the greater the proportion of individuals that are resistant, the smaller the probability that a susceptible individual will come into contact with one who is infected. So, actually, helping yourself does result in helping others i.e. it provides a form of community immunity against especially negative mindsets/mentalities. And the more aware people are, the less susceptible ignorant people are prone to meet even more ignorant people.


BODY FLUIDS CONTINUE INTO ONE ANOTHER…FROM SPIRIT TO SOUL, TO THE BODY. In the human body; our extra-cellular values are important extracellularly but designed only for the extracellular compartments; and for optimum function it shouldn’t be obtained intracellularly. In the event of ECF values being obtained intracellularly; serious damage could occur. In light of these, we would compare the extracellular components of body fluids; in this case representing the body of the typical believer with the intracellular values that represent believers’ spirits ; the transcellular fluid being fluid in which believers souls float. TABLE 3.1; SHOWING THE CHARACTERISTICS EXEMPLIFIED IN BODY FLUIDS AT NEW BIRTH     CHIEF BODY FLUID IONS BODILY FUNCTION  CHARACTERISTICAL REPRESENTATION ECF {PLASMA + IF} (mEq/L); i.e. BODY AND SOUL 14L ICF   (mEq/L) i.e. SPIRIT   28L  Na+ Generating...


This is the last stage involved in labouring and the birthing of a dream/ of dreams. To check previous articles on this process, go to ,  and . Thank you. STAGE 3: This stage is the one that involves the delivery of the placenta after delivering the baby.  This stage can be extrapolated to mean the delivery of the motive force that enabled the realization of your dream to the world, it’s the stage where you teach people coming up how you got to where you are and thus lend them an helping hand in the achievement of their dreams as well.  (vi)You teach it. The very drastic decrease in the volume of the uterine cavity after a fetal expulsion has the effect of shearing off the placenta from...


Labour/ birthing of dreams has three main phases, to view the 1st Stage and what it is correlated with, please check LABOURING: IN THE PROCESS OF DREAM BIRTHING . Thank you. STAGE 2: This is the stage of labour that begins from the full dilatation of the cervical os (10cm) till the baby is delivered. It is extrapolated with diligently seeking your dream and getting it.  These are called the (iv) Seeking stage (v) Getting stage     Phase 1 (SEEKING STAGE): It begins from the full dilatation of the cervical os till the leading part of the fetus is on the pelvic floor. It is often marked by an irresistible urge of the mother to push and in regards to the birthing of a dream; the tenacity of the dreamer concerning the dream. (S)He keeps pushing till it is realized. IT IS THE "I SOUGHT IT STAGE". When normal, this phase is characterized by: ·          Strong contractions ·        ...


Paired organs/structures in the human body e.g. kidneys, lungs, eyes, ears, hands, feet- all have something in common, they help each other. For example, if a sound comes in from your left side, your left ear hears and processes the sound, but your right ear also helps, i.e. they jointly work to ensure you hear properly; ...and the same goes for the eyes. Also, if an individual loses one of his/her kidneys, the other one compensates for that loss by hypertrophying. We should emulate these paired organs and structures in our daily lives, for no one is indeed, self-sufficient.


Your entitlement mentality may get you ischemic Entitlement mentality : The (false) knowledge that the word/someone/people owe you great chances, either in their lives or in other aspects of your own life Autoregulation: This is the ability of a metabolic organ to regulate its own blood flow, paradventure there’s a hike/decrease in systemic (arterial) blood supply Ischemia : Lack of blood supply to an organ which could result in cell death   Organs involved in autoregulation include the: Brain, Kidneys, Heart, Lungs, Liver Some organs are autoregulated, while some others believe that because of their connection to the aorta, they can never suffer lack of adequate blood flow. And they are usually wrong, for the relatively wise organs do not take the possibility of such flunctuations lightly and have a safety margin- for instance, their blood flow is constant regardless of flunctuations in arterial blood flow from 80-180mmHg. Stop erroneously believing that...


The process of labour (parturition) is divided into three stages and we would be discussing the first stage in this blog post. This is the stage in which dilatation of the cervical os (i.e. the opening of the cervix which is the most inferior portion of the uterus in women) occurs, from concept zero to full cervical os dilatation of 10cm in a parturient at term. REPRESENTS THE MOMENT AN INDIVIDUAL BECOMES PREGNANT WITH A THOUGHT. During this stage, the individual (i) thinks, (ii) catches and (iii) buys the dream. The first stage of labour is characterized by 2 phases: (i) Latent Phase- This is the prodromal phase because it presents symptoms that indicate that labour is about to start. It is symptomized by: • Mild-moderate contractions which are increasingly uncomfortable and sometimes painful. These can be correlated with the process of piecing together the thoughts that comprise a dream as they occur to you. As labour progresses, however, the contractions become ...


The word parturition, derived from the Latin word “parturire” which literally means “be in labour” is defined as the act of expulsion of the fetus and placenta to the outside world per vaginam with minimal risk to the mother and fetus. Labour is characterized by the onset of painful, palpable and regular uterine contractions of progressively increasing cervical effacement, cervical os dilatation as well as descent of the presenting part; leading to delivery. Many women dream of being mothers and most can still carry the pregnancy with sufficient grace and poise but parturients couldn’t agree more that at the point of labor, all poise is lost and grown women cry and scream like babies.  However, once the baby is birthed, the formerly contorted face of the mother relaxes and the muscles around her mouth help her curve her mouth into a tired; yet perfect smile of fulfillment.  It is against this backdrop that the process of giving life to a dream is compared and...


The rate at which neoplasms and all forms of malignant tumors invade and metastasize into human tissues is alarming. Who knows what next? Yes…there can be an unbearable degree of success. It’s rightly classed as the degree to which pain is inflicted by success. Who wants to have painful success? Yes, to some extent, a level of “holding on” or perseverance or pushing is required to gain success. When this perseverance and focus pushes its sword deep into your life, piercing those whom you love, or into your heart, separating you from your maker, it becomes rightly unbearable. Be wise in success!


A set race, a deadline, an appointed course, a specified timeline…are all relevant to timing. We don’t have as much time as we do think we have, most often. Because for each second we’ve been given, there’s a reason. Something to do, a plan of action and we can’t afford to live idly. Not like we cannot rest, but in a race is there a rester? Can someone who’s running rest on the way? I think not so. For until you get to the finish line, you haven’t run the appointed course. So run, and be the ultimate warrior by fighting to finish!


Logically, we can all figure out that acute conditions i.e more recent diseases/ infections would be easier to treat than chronic (long-standing) ones. It all has to do with time. So how much damage should we let into our individual hearts before we actively search healing? Seems logical enough to recommend healing as soon as possible, but it is actually much more common to shove our hurting parts aside, as it is to believe we would get better and suppress illnesses that would have been easier treated when acute. As there are diseases that cannot be healed after so much time, and which has caused so much necrosis (death of cells) than is regenerable, there are also conditions of the heart that might be never truly healed when they achieve a relative amount of senility (i.e. are advanced in age). It is also noteworthy that healing does not achieve 100% restoration to the former point, both physically and heart-wise. In order words: it’s a gradual process that is relatively not complete...


A bias? Well most of us know what being (negatively) biased can result into, and if we were to be really honest…well, most of our life views are tilted to one side, and as a matter of fact are simply biased. I’m not saying being biased is wrong and in fact I would like to enlighten us as to the advantages of being positively biased. Without being biased you can’t choose friends, or hold strong views or be convinced about something. Thus, you’d always be in the middle of the road, somewhere in between. In between light and darkness, in between going along with the flow and being ingenuous, standing for something and falling for everything. So my charge? As much as possible, be biased. For being biased sometimes translates to going after your passion and dreams, it could mean saving something precious over keeping everything that’s not so important. So be biased and if possible, be very very very positively biased. Ask anyone at the top, they make their choices carefully, and ...


The way you are dressed is the way you would be addressed…we’ve all heard that multiple times. How true it is, I might not be able to rate, but I know it is very true that our presentation usually determines the magnitude of our elevation. Well, most of the time. In the human body, there is a specific group of cells called antigen presenting cells. They specialize in presenting foreign bodies to antibodies, as well as perform other bodily functions. They do this because our antibodies cannot recognize untagged cells. Gleaning a little bit of wisdom from these cells as a people, we could learn that tagging ourselves, or standing for something ensures that we fall for just nothing. If you do not present yourself as specific, you can never truly take your stand wherever you find yourself. I think that’s enough closure.


Luminosity is the state/quality of giving off light. Let’s face the fact: it’s easier to receive than to receive, thus it only makes more sense that it’s nobler and more blessed to give than it is to receive. None of us should really be exempted from the public service of luminosity. However, its common practice to see people everywhere either: 1.       Hiding from helping with their inherent talents and gifting due to fear or discouragement OR 2.       Too busy to help others. Dimness comes with maximal usage of light…that’s why batteries were made. Therefore, fear of going down should not keep us from stepping up to aid others. Busyness has been an excuse from day one of life, literally. Too busy taking care of ourselves to look the way of others, we keep losing daily blessings which could have come our way had we helped others. Think about this: Can your brightness light the whole world? Definitely not, therefore help...


The predisposition towards the development of allergic reactions when in contact with an antigen. Therefore, an atopic person is hyperallergic. Atopic reactions include: atopic dermatitis (ezcema), hay fever (allergic rhinitis), and allergic-induced asthma. These three form a triad called the allergic triad. It definitely is related to the genes, as people have different genetic predisposition to the “allergic triad”. We, as humans, are predisposed to overlooking several minute pieces of information- for me, a typical example is overlooking the meaning of the word atopy, which until now, I did not actively know. Thus, on seeing the word in a test I had today, I was totally blank as to the characteristics of atopic conditions, and most likely, got the answers wrong. Most atopic people do not know they react to certain allergens till they come in contact with them, but in families where such reactions are common, they could be expected and the probability of taking care of them ea...


In our early days, while growing up, into us were grafted the idea of getting a job in this big corporation, or in that big firm and making a living and earning this fantastic salary because we saw it happen around us so many times. We saw those posh, happy families. What we never did see was the pain, uncertainty, unfulfillment hidden behind those smiling eyes…and that beautifully set table. No, am not saying that everyone who earns a living is unhappy, just that when we live to earn a living, we most times end up unfulfilled. Because fulfillment cannot be truly gotten without making a difference and touching lives. The irony is that though you can make a living without making a difference, you can’t make a difference without someday earning something through it, if you are diligent and wise. Get fulfillment today, make a difference!


Do we keep things so that they can be found? The basis of keeping is what? Most times, we keep things in whatever locations we choose to so that when we need them they would be readily accessible to us. Even on a football field, when a goalkeeper catches the ball it is definitely easier to find than when it is kicked offside (ok, I just might have murdered the terms in football, pardon me if I just did!). As well, some body cells have intracellular accumulations like lipids- which mostly causes more harm than good to the body. The body keeps them, but then before they are found to be used for metabolism, they might have been used in other not-so-palatable processes like in the process of atherosclerosis. The point is this: we keep so as to find. If you wouldn’t be sure of finding something you aim to keep, it would be highly beneficial to not keep it, I think.


One’s biologic reproductive capability, which measure the rate and efficacy with which one produces children, is a measure of thee strength of reproduction which such an individual has. However, it is tied to a great many other features/characteristics such as age, bodily cycles (especially in women) and certain other features. An astonishing fact is that regardless of your reproductive capability, the strength to bring forth does not only follow the ability to reproduce but also the other factors surrounding it. Therefore, it’s not only what we can see (i.e. physical factors) that can prevent you and I from being productive…there are a host of other unseen factors that we have to deal with to climb up. Spend a few minutes in prayer today so as to be able to climb up that specific ladder, regardless of your qualifications!