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EPISODE 13- Episode Finale
The lamp was growing dim, and whilst scratching her sleepy eyes, Linda yawned for the third time in 15 minutes. This was the fourth night in a row that she had kept awake all through the night; thanks to coffee. Within the last 2 weeks since she had returned to school, she had gone through most of her notes, studying them with an insane sort of passion- passion which could only come from the thoughts of writing serious professional exams in 2 weeks time. Past questions and their solutions were her ever present companions, as well as all sorts of handbooks and jotters.
And so, 3 days ago, she had found herself in an exam hall, writing her end of posting exams. They had seemed to go on well and she sincerely hoped that her results would be ‘well pleasing’ in her sight.
The God-sent Doctor, Dr. Charles had been really helpful. She had kept in touch with him these past 2 weeks and he had continually re-assured her about Papa’s health. Now that Papa was no longer in a coma, the doctor had highlighted the possibility of him being discharged home, to come for follow-up at the neurology clinic and also to see a physiotherapist.
And today, as she stood before the notice board, she almost couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She had literally taken a ruler to trace her scores to her matriculation number. No way she could have made such good scores! This was a classic case of parallelism. That she had passed was an understatement. She had passed very well, as a matter of fact.
Back to that crazy moment about 6 hours ago when Felix had teased her about having failed.
As he walked into the classroom and towards the corner of the class where she was quietly seated, listening to soothing music with ears plugged, staring into space and wondering how on earth she was supposed to read all the books she was required to; he had approached her with this silly look of his- a look of pity mixed with fear.
He had mouthed the word ‘sorry’ and as she unplugged her ears, a myriad of thoughts rushed through her brain. What had happened?
‘Felix, what is it?’
‘Linda, I’m really sorry but I think you should see this for yourself’
And then, he had motioned for her to stand up, after which he had led her to the notice board.
As Linda walked on, barely aware of the swift motion of her own legs, she had begun to sob within herself. If she failed this time, well…
Wait…was she seeing well? Nah, Felix had implied that she had failed.
‘Felix…’ She turned back to look at him only to see him laughing so hard, tears were running down his face.
‘Jeez, I should kill you!’
‘Linda, I’m sorry now. It was just a prank. You should have seen the look on your face! Don’t worry, I took a picture of that intense moment.’
She shook her head and as she stared at the board once again, she broke into a smile.
Finally! Finally!
Her phone was ringing. It was Mama.
‘Mama! I’m fine o. How are you? How Papa body?’
‘Na why I call you o, my pikin. Doctor talk say we dey go house today. Your Papa don dey talk to all of us very well,…’
‘Ah Mama, thank God!’
‘Ok, we go talk later, make we go pack.’
Today was proving to be just too awesome.
Both she and Papa had been handed second chances.
She mentally went through the checklist in her head. All she had to focus on now were her professional exams.
And yes, God would come through for her again. She knew this too well now.
As Bunmi stared into her lover’s eyes, wide-eyed, free-flowing tears ran down her face in quick succession. She truly couldn’t comprehend the realm of love she was being privileged to experience.
Her mind, in milliseconds began to pick all the evidences of God’s unfailing love towards her throughout the past 1 year.
With hidden disappointment, when Kenny had spoken to her, he had done so with such conviction as only the truth could give. She latched onto those words fervently, but only because they had been true then, and more so, now. She remembered his words and smiled, in the midst of her tears.
‘Bums, Fola loves you deeply. I…I don’t understand,’ he had stood, raking his hands through his bushy hair. ‘I do not even feel capable of fighting for you. His love for you is so blinding. So…’ he looked up as he said, with tears gleaming within his eyes and only seconds away from being shed, and mustering all the strength that he could ‘I release you to him. Please, marry him. I hope to find even a little of this’
He had smiled fatuously. ‘Really, if I find even a little of this, I would never let go.’
How God had rescued her this past year was beyond fathoming. Kenny had been with her in the labour room and immediately the baby was cleaned, he’d been the first to hold her and my, was she beautiful? Fola was just outside the delivery room and as she was being wheeled into her room, he had been by her side. She had searched his eyes in these moments, looking for disappointment, aloofness; anything but what she’d seen in them. The sheer amount of love! She hadn’t understood him even then, and of course she hadn’t really expected him to take 1Cor 13:5 so seriously and she’d told him as much, right from that night he’d come to see her at the resort.
They had named the child ‘Oluwaremilekun’.
The congregation was quiet. So quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Everyone was waiting for Bunmi to say her vows.
Fola whispered her name and waved his hand in her face ‘Bums!’
And so, with quivering lips, she began to speak.
‘Fola, I am undeserving of your love. Whenever I think of your love, it takes me to my knees before the Father and I have to ask him for the best way to love you. You have helped me better understand God’s love; that realm of love so sacrificing it took Jesus to the cross.’
‘And so, I vow to submit to you, to lay my life at the altar of love, to help fulfill that purpose which God created you for. You are my heart and yes, I’ll choose you every day; over and over again.’
As they moved to the song ‘Oh Perfect Love’ the atmosphere was charged with something so strong, so electric, it could only be one thing- the love of God.
The crowd was still silent. Yet one thing was certain: the overwhelming love of God had saturated the cathedral.
Author’s note:
This is probably one of the most emotional of all the episodes and yes! It is the episode finale! Initially, I got stuck but I just had to end here: 1Cor 13:4-8
‘Love is patient, love is kind. Love covereth a multitude of sins…’
Thanks guys, for reading. My first veering into story writing has taken me on a journey. One I might never fully recover from.
Guys, please let us allow ourselves to experience the overwhelming love of God. It is so real!
And yeah; expect something new in this space next Wednesday.


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