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‘Oh let me see your face! I don’t want to go anywhere without your presence, Lord!’
I do the characteristic- that is, I pause
Reflectively, I begin to analyze
Dissecting every word and ruminating on every syllable
Could she (i.e the singer) have had visual hallucinations?
I listen again:
‘Take us into your holy place!’
Where is that holy place and for God’s sake, has she been there?
 Isuspiciously conclude that her visions must indeed be hallucinations
I come to me, and faintly remember that less syllabic dissection makes for a deeper immersion in the music and a calmer state of mind, a
A more beautifully attained state
For the more I dissect,
The greater the amount of beauty in godliness I resect
I fear that if I go deeper, I just might begin to resect away layers of the most important ‘variable’-
My love for God
I am a Christian!
And in that interface between scholastic sagery and Christianity where every manifestation is suspicious to the critical mind and subject to severity in dissection,
To every medic who subconsciously tosses out diagnoses in every public setting (at spinal level)
I understand-
For thus, we have been conditioned
But let us remember once again, to hold on to the moments;
Immersing ourselves and experiencing them
Without the scalpel


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