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WANNABE INTERN: The Beginning of the End; the End of the Beginning

Week 1
It is neither the beginning nor the end; but rather, it’s the beginning of the end and the end of the beginning.
You thought it was over? Nope, it just started.
I left medical school! On the 7th of July, 2017; I was inducted into the medical profession with so much finesse. You know that feeling you get when you are finally able to accomplish something, great right? Although the celebration seemed larger than life to me (I mean, who are all these people eating my rice?), I managed to get through it- because my kind of celebration is really in a quiet place, by a beach or you know, some really somber place with chocolate and ice cream, and maybe one or two Netflix series (ah ah).
I could smell so many opportunities in the air, you know. I was sure that I would have started housemanship by September- dead sure. In fact, I already had a couple of leads and I was simply waiting to get my ‘papers’ ready- my MDCN documents. Getting space wasn’t something I pondered over; I felt it wasn’t something I needn’t sweat over. For that day, I was simply content with feeling happy about finishing medical school. Things didn’t play out as I expected. You want to know what happened right?
Tune in; next week. Don't forget to subscribe and get awesome posts delivered directly to your mail. 
I don't mean to sound super serious, but there's a workbook section to track your progress...You just might be inspired later on when you go through it. 

1.   How do you feel today? It's simply a moment of reflection; don’t overthink it; just write down how you feel. (If you didn’t get inducted today, cast your mind back to when you got inducted and how you felt about it. If you haven't being inducted, imagine the euphoria of it finally happening- and express it on paper!)


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