Hello guys!!!
Its been such a long time, miss me? Between the last time I posted on my blog and now, so much has happened, some of which I'd be sharing with you all.
I'm unveiling a new blog post series titled 'Wannabe Intern'.
By the time this series is published on my blog, I must have started my housemanship/ internship (or it will be the first week of January 2018), but I am writing it anyway, because I hope it helps someone, I hope it guides someone along their path and gives them hope (Damn, why am I using the word ‘hope’ so much?).
I certainly hope you can relate to it and laugh through it as well! Dark comes before the light. You’ll be tempted to give up, don’t do it!
P.S: (This particular step might or might not be fun for you, depending on your fun radar and if you think it’s cool to laugh about yourself and stuff).
Get a notebook, as there’ll be work sessions after each day’s devotional styled article. The goal is not just to get you to start housemanship, but to accomplish something awesome during this period. You want to look back and know that you were able to accomplish that.
One last thing: you’re awesome! You always were and you always will be. Kisses. (I know weird right, kisses is supposed to end with an exclamation mark, not a full stop like “kisses!”)
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