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Labour/ birthing of dreams has three main phases, to view the 1st Stage and what it is correlated with, please check LABOURING: IN THE PROCESS OF DREAM BIRTHING. Thank you.

This is the stage of labour that begins from the full dilatation of the cervical os (10cm) till the baby is delivered. It is extrapolated with diligently seeking your dream and getting it. 
These are called the (iv) Seeking stage (v) Getting stage
Phase 1 (SEEKING STAGE): It begins from the full dilatation of the cervical os till the leading part of the fetus is on the pelvic floor. It is often marked by an irresistible urge of the mother to push and in regards to the birthing of a dream; the tenacity of the dreamer concerning the dream. (S)He keeps pushing till it is realized. IT IS THE "I SOUGHT IT STAGE". When normal, this phase is characterized by:
·         Strong contractions
·         Maternal urge to push
·         Descent of the presenting part
 When abnormal, the phase is characterized by:
·         Poor contractions and a manifestation of maternal exhaustion by the lack of an urge to push and no descent of the presenting part with no evidence of  fetopelvic disproportion.
            The duration of this phase is usually about 1hour.

Phase 2 (GETTING STAGE): Begins from when the presenting part touches the pelvic floor until the delivery of the baby. This could be extrapolated as following the first manifestation of your dream i.e. the first sign that its real; to the complete birth of that dream.
This phase (i.e. phase 2) of the second stage of labour is usually assisted by the voluntary expulsive effort of the mother because of the persistent urge to push. With regards to birthing a dream, the mother of that dream must disregard the words of men about that dream and voluntarily push despite obstacles/ roadblocks. This is the “I GOT IT STAGE” OF A DREAM’S FULFILLMENT!

In summary, when we choose to actually follow our dreams to fulfillment, we do God and others a favor, by bringing forth something new, unique, and exceptionally ours!
Birth that dream.


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