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What are the issues we have to face when the membranes of our dreams are prematurely ruptured?

Ecclesiastes 3:1
There's an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth:
Very often, we are eager to display our gifts, our talents and the dreams inherent in us.
In the process, it is indeed possible to ignorantly or over-zealously do things that would culminate in the premature births of our hearts’ progeny. Unfortunately, prematurity is indeed one of the greatest contributors to the mortality accrued to both fetuses and goals.
When it ain’t time, one of these might just hasten the death of one’s dreams:
1    1.    FORCE:
“A right time to wage war and another to make peace.” (Eccl 3:8b)
Many times, we think if we’re forceful enough, our dreams will come to pass. But have we considered our environment, the timing?
Sometimes, it’s not force that would bring us to the limelight in our chosen paths, patience might just be needed to mature us. And if we proceed to use traumatic methods, we just might prematurely puncture the egos of our dreams.

 “A right time to plant and another to reap,” (Eccl 3:2b)
While some use force, some of us would rather sit still and wait in belated hope. A weak, unprepared cervix is a good predictor of premature birth; so is an unprepared mind.
The unprepared individual has forgotten that it isn’t all who have had dreams that have birthed something that had breath; thus he just might join the company of those who birth un-living things!

3    3.    WRONG CONTENT:
“A right time to destroy and another to construct,” (Eccl 3:3b)
When the abdomen of a pregnant woman is distended with mostly amniotic fluid and less of a fetus, it seems like an overwhelming burden to bear- giving the wrong impression that the due date of delivery is near.
Any wonder that there’s spillage of some fluid?
It’s not just about the design of your concept, it’s about the content.
Fab designs might fetch us jobs, but it is only content that can keep us in place and always relevant.

So while we are at it, be it watering our dreams or even dreaming up more dreams, let’s pay cognizance- even if it’s a little- to the timing @ which we launch our ‘products’ into the grand market of life. Timing, is everything!

What are your thoughts on timing as regards dream-launching?
More spiritual nuggets next week Friday.
Thanks for reading! Please share, and subscribe as well.


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