‘I am here’;
‘No, you’re not’ I hear you say-
In your words, in your actions
I am now incapable, unworthy of trust
It pains me so, to see- even to perceive that you,
The one who who’s shown me so much love
Would choose to now ostracize me
I expect no less from the community
But your condescending looks;
They break me
I might not be entirely well
But this I know, I am aware-
Mentally aware
#Mental health #Mental advocacy #Speak
We all have about 6 needs, which we have to uncover, not necessarily create: · CERTAINTY · UNCERTAINTY · SIGNIFICANCE · CONNECTION & LOVE · GROWTH · CONTRIBUTION, WHICH IS BEYOND OURSELVES The first 4 needs don’t necessarily bring about fulfillment but the last two do. You can have all the comfort/certainty in the world and still remain unfulfilled. You could even switch over to variety i.e. uncertainty-yes, you’ld get adrenaline pumping through your veins, but it’ld be temporary. Significance? We all try to find significance, be it through achievements or by gaining recognition as one thing or the other. Connection is a beautiful thing and love is very accepting, irrespectiv...
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