The other day, I was in an atmosphere so charged with the Spirit that the best way I could describe what I felt was intoxication. I wept, danced, mumbled stuff- not that all of that would have mattered without the accompanying atmosphere but I didn’t care what I did or who else was there, I couldn’t help but ‘display’.
At that moment, Eph 5:18 actually dawned on me in its entirety and as one of my favorite versions puts it: ‘Drink the Spirit of God, huge draughts of him.’
And in those moments of intoxication, God’s presence became more obvious and way more palpable; and as a drunk (wo)man, nothing seems too difficult. Thirst brings along with it, the desire to drink. But addiction? It breeds intoxication.
I should think this is one of the reasons we are adjourned to be continually filled with the Spirit. I should also think that this is the reason individuals like Paul were able to give all for God. Yes, they were intoxicated; their actions made no sense to the world.
Thus, if we must carry out God’s will to the ends of the earth and all- pardon my usage of words; but we need to be spiritually intoxicated, and as often as possible.
Week 2 Message to the Pre-Intern: don’t lose hope! Week 2, for me, was 2 months post-induction. This was when the wait began to sink in. You mean I’ve been home for two whole months? By now, I was literally chewing on my fingernails. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t scared of getting a space, but I certainly wasn’t confident about any place anymore. That is when I began to write this book. Today is the 12th of September and I sit at the dining table in my parents’ house, typing at 11:27pm (because well, I have an editing job to finish up, but mostly because I don’t have to go anywhere tomorrow morning). If I don’t want to, I don’t even have to take a bath tomorrow morning because well, I can stay indoors all day! (I most likely will stay indoors, except for those few minutes when I step out to buy hot akara for my akamu). I am spent. You know, I have applied to a couple of places now. Let me start with the first: LS Health Service Commission At the State Health servic...
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