The other day, I was in an atmosphere so charged with the Spirit that the best way I could describe what I felt was intoxication. I wept, danced, mumbled stuff- not that all of that would have mattered without the accompanying atmosphere but I didn’t care what I did or who else was there, I couldn’t help but ‘display’.
At that moment, Eph 5:18 actually dawned on me in its entirety and as one of my favorite versions puts it: ‘Drink the Spirit of God, huge draughts of him.’
And in those moments of intoxication, God’s presence became more obvious and way more palpable; and as a drunk (wo)man, nothing seems too difficult. Thirst brings along with it, the desire to drink. But addiction? It breeds intoxication.
I should think this is one of the reasons we are adjourned to be continually filled with the Spirit. I should also think that this is the reason individuals like Paul were able to give all for God. Yes, they were intoxicated; their actions made no sense to the world.
Thus, if we must carry out God’s will to the ends of the earth and all- pardon my usage of words; but we need to be spiritually intoxicated, and as often as possible.
We all have about 6 needs, which we have to uncover, not necessarily create: · CERTAINTY · UNCERTAINTY · SIGNIFICANCE · CONNECTION & LOVE · GROWTH · CONTRIBUTION, WHICH IS BEYOND OURSELVES The first 4 needs don’t necessarily bring about fulfillment but the last two do. You can have all the comfort/certainty in the world and still remain unfulfilled. You could even switch over to variety i.e. uncertainty-yes, you’ld get adrenaline pumping through your veins, but it’ld be temporary. Significance? We all try to find significance, be it through achievements or by gaining recognition as one thing or the other. Connection is a beautiful thing and love is very accepting, irrespectiv...
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