A few weeks ago, I happened to be very busy and had to keep a friend waiting for a protracted period of time. In my opinion though, he didn’t have to wait. He could have left then and returned when I notified him that I was free, or he could simply have excused himself on the premise of his busy schedule. I really didn’t feel deserving of his spending as much as 2-3 hours waiting for me (it was literally ‘peppering my body’).
So when I was finally through with what I was doing, I said something along these lines: ‘How can I repay you? What would I have to pay for this?’ And he looked at me, a little stunned; after which ‘understanding’ dawned on him.
Then he said something that struck a chord in me: ‘You see, this is why it’s hard for people to accept God’s unconditional love.’ That was a lesson that stayed with me for days, even weeks and because we had discussed God’s love on a previous occasion I could see that God was systematically educating me on embracing his perfect love and letting go of every subconscious thought that somehow, I would have to pay back!
This is a little difficult for me- since I believe in the law of cause and effect; sowing and reaping (and proportionately at that).
So of course when I pose the questions which I’m about to, you would understand that it comes from a place of deep experience.
How much of God’s unconditional love have we embraced?
How much of his love and joy have we chosen to practically experience?
1Cor. 13:8- Love never fails
Because when all ceases, love is all that we’ll have. And regardless of whatever else we have, love is the most constant.
We all have about 6 needs, which we have to uncover, not necessarily create: · CERTAINTY · UNCERTAINTY · SIGNIFICANCE · CONNECTION & LOVE · GROWTH · CONTRIBUTION, WHICH IS BEYOND OURSELVES The first 4 needs don’t necessarily bring about fulfillment but the last two do. You can have all the comfort/certainty in the world and still remain unfulfilled. You could even switch over to variety i.e. uncertainty-yes, you’ld get adrenaline pumping through your veins, but it’ld be temporary. Significance? We all try to find significance, be it through achievements or by gaining recognition as one thing or the other. Connection is a beautiful thing and love is very accepting, irrespectiv...
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