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“The devil remembers your sin. God has forgotten it. Which spiritual reality are you going to agree with?” The phantom limb   is the sensation that an   amputated   or missing   limb   (even an organ, like the appendix) is still attached to the   body   and is moving appropriately with other body parts . Memories from our sinful pasts can be like those phantom pains- but hey, you died with Christ (Gal 2:20), remember? And he who has died has been freed from sin (Rom 6:7) Whenever you look at the past apart from the blood of Christ, you end up in agreement with the devil…on the other hand, whenever you agree with God, you shake free from the power of the lie. You step into the power of truth. Bless the Lord, forget not all His benefits: who forgives all your iniquities. Like sensations from the amputated limb, memories of your history is now phantom, for it has been changed into his story!


“My son, if sinners entice you, do not pout.” I was in the kitchen when this particularly interesting statement was made by one of my siblings. It did stir up a little ruckus as I had to come out to investigate that theory. I mean, that isn’t in my bible! Lol. Anyways, as I later confirmed, it was a circumstantial statement. It however birthed an inspirational idea-you got it- the anatomico-spiritual relevance of a pout! What is pouting? It is simply the act of pushing one’s lips or one’s bottom lip forward as an expression of petulant annoyance or in order to make oneself look attractive. Muscles involved in pouting are listed below: -           Orbicularis oris -           Depressor anguli oris -           Mentalis -           Depressor labii inferioris -     ...

OBESITY: When the journey inward exceeds the journey outward

“All truth and no action makes Christian Johnny a dull boy” Obesity is defined as a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it could have adverse effects on the individual’s health. It generally leads to reduced life expectancy. Spiritually, obesity can be aligned with consumption of too much biblical truth without acting on them. Thus, that individual goes on a very long inward journey with no external manifestation of the reception of the message which has the efficacy of salvaging the soul (James 1:21). If only we practiced 1/10 of the truths we know! The journey inward should be balanced by the journey outwards to maintain a normal spiritual BMI (body mass index) Treating Obesity Obesity is usually treated with dieting and physical exercise. While from the spiritual standpoint, you may not necessarily cut down your spiritual diet, asking for illumination by the Holy Spirit as well as exercising the Great Commission is vitally r...


Browsing through my archive of writings, I stumbled on a poem which was written about 2months ago.  2013 is almost over and God’s been faithful through the years… this is a small token of appreciation to him who was, who is and who is to come. This poem is based on Psalms 19. Enjoy! The cells declare the glory of God; and all connective tissues show and proclaim his handiwork Day after day pours forth speech, and night after night shows knowledge There is neither speech nor spoken word (from the nerves); their voices are not heard! Yet their voices (in evidence) go out through all the earth, their sayings to the end of the world, Of connective tissue (comprising cells) has God made a tent for the brain (meninges: connective tissue layers) which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber; and it rejoices as a strong man to run his course The brain traverses its tent, receives input from all body areas (sensory function), its going forth (motor function) is from th...


“You cannot win a trophy if you’re atrophied!” While ruminating on the human body as usual, I became fascinated by our muscles. Though the human muscular system is very strong and very well equipped for adequate living, without good management, exercise and a healthy diet, muscles atrophy. Spiritual freedom can as well be easily lost without adequate management- when exercise and a healthy dose of God’s word are in absentia, rapid degeneration of spiritual life occurs- subtly maybe, but surely! This is called spiritual atrophy. Digression: Lets’ talk a bit on atrophy… Crash course on Atrophy DEFINITION: Decrease in muscle mass- due to partial/complete muscle wasting TYPES: Disuse atrophy, Neurogenic atrophy CAUSES: Starvation, prolonged periods of hibernation e.t.c.  MECHANISM OF ACTION: Downregulation of protein synthetic pathways, Activation of protein degradation pathways ANALYSIS: Done by measuring amount of urea in urine TREATMENT: Exercise, administrati...

THE ALL OR NONE RULE: A principle binding Christianity

This is a law applicable to nerve or muscle fibers, which states that the magnitude of the action potential is always the same and is independent of the stimulus intensity provided the stimulus is of threshold intensity.     If the stimulus exceeds the   threshold potential , the nerve or muscle fiber will give a complete response; otherwise, there is no response . Once a response is elicited, increase in the stimulus intensity does not increase response but only the frequency of the response is increased. Since Christ died for us, you and I cannot afford to elicit subthreshold impulses in the realm of the spirit…for we have passed from death into life!


" Faith deals with what you can see about yet unseen things." Adrenaline, also known as epinephrine is a hormone secreted by some neurons in the central nervous system, and in the chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla from the amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine. It is also a neurotransmitter and it is a crucial component of the fight-or-flight response of the sympathetic nervous system. Circulating adrenaline causes vasoconstriction, increase in heart rate and contractility of heart, inhibition of the gastrointestinal tract and dilation of the pupils. In the spirit of juxtaposition, adrenaline can safely be compared to effective faith. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing the word of God (Rom 10:17). Faith results in action, for faith without works is dead (James 2:17). Adrenaline is secreted on stimulation of the sympathetic nerves to adrenal medulla. Both result in either a fight or a flight response i.e they both result in immediate actions. Let your faith be...


“The land where the sun stands still is a land where promises and perhaps must coexist.” Have you ever picked up a book for the sake of its ‘catching’ title and had your hopes washed downstream? As you turned page after page, you found your expectations slowly but surely being cut off! This book states no maximal specifically outrageous, adrenaline levels-spiking, level-high moments for me to grab unto, which’ll change me and make me change the world. I’ve obviously felt that way…a lot of times actually. But something struck me today: The most life-changing moments can be fashioned from the most ordinary moments. In fact, that’s where they are often found. Our life-transforming moments would probably pass the relatively sensitive among us by for their relative commonness and lack of specutacularity/splendor/hype. Take note today and in so doing; you’d find the miraculous in the mundane. As an author says: “The Bible says that GOD’s word is a lamp to our feet, not a f...
SALIENT LESSONS FROM THE CORONARY ARTERIES The coronary arteries provide blood supply to the heart, the blood pump. Some of its duties are outlined and deductions are saliently made from them. 1.       REPLENISHMENT: The first lesson to take from the coronary artery is that it replenishes the heart. While performing the work of pumping blood to other tissues, the cardiac muscle is replenished by means of its 2 coronary arteries. 2.       DIRECTLY SOURCED: The coronary arteries, unsurprisingly, take origin from the aorta, the main artery leaving the left ventricle, carrying oxygenated blood to all branch arteries of the human body. Thus, it originates from the principal source of maximally oxygenated blood; this points to the fact that it reveres impartation and not opinions. 3.       PERFUSION: The coronary arteries ensure that blood gets to every part of the heart by means of its several branches. Branc...


I was in a bus this morning, happy with myself for having bagging such a ride. You see, this bus was going to transport me from almost literally my doorstep to where I needed to be exactly; and this completed exemplified and simplified hormonal activity in my ever-active mind. Two exact straight lines were being joined. A hormone (a human) is a chemical substance (is a mechanical being), formed in one organ or part of the body (who lives in his/her house) and is transported by blood (transported by land, air or water) to its site of action (to where he/she needs to perform necessary actions). The word hormone originates from the Greek word hormao, which is translated to mean ‘to rouse or set in motion’. Any need then to wonder on the amazing correlations between the human movement and hormonal transport? The similarities between hormone transport and human movement include, but aren’t restricted to: 1.       SITES OF FORMATION AND ACTIVITY ARE DIVERGE...


Sometimes in doubt...but never gonna give up! Sometimes life in and out of the world of medicine could be downright frustrating. What do you do in such situations? Simply watch life unfold or what? I don’t know. Really. I wish I could tell you: Be strong! But sometimes, motivational speeches should be shoved down the closet- deep down. Cos they won’t work. So I’d tell you: look to the Lord and his strength, seek him even in the midst of your pain and the storms around you, cos the sun will shine again. It will. Cos God promises it will.


WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ONE OTHER. “I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow ”. A modern version of the Hippocratic oath has these words as its first portion. We all know this oath…or at least, have heard of it - the oath to which most medical doctors are sworn to at their induction ceremony! While this may sound inconsequential/ rewardless/ not just a part of your personality description, it is indeed very important that we embrace the attitude of sharing knowledge with fellow medics. As a medic in any respect, it is your responsibility to share the amount of information at your disposal with other medics.. This is not to undermine the busyness of our schedules or to make us feel selfish if we are people who would naturally keep to ourselves but if we could consider this simple scenario, it just might help us see the need to teach our fellows, whether we be medica...
ALL THESE ENDLESS STUDYING !… On exams and fear All these comparing and measuring ourselves by ourselves! Its so wrong and self-limiting. All these numerous, bulky, endless exams in medical school can get even the strongest of us  jittery! However, the most successful person isn’t the one whose prime goal is a 100% on the scoresheet but those with the excellent mentality that to be a good doctor, you have to have the requisite knowledge. Just to remind us of our prime focus,  which is true excellence that comes, not from passing an exam from excelling superbly at what you do:  “Medicine is more than the application of scientific facts to treat people. If your highest goal is to simply pass the exams, you may still succeed but the journey will be fraught with much anguish. However, if you remember that someday, you can relieve the suffering of one individual or save just a person’s life from what you’d learn each day as you study, all your efforts will take a new me...


Welcome to the blog where our supero-inferior lives (our ups & downs) are interwovenly discussed. Today, our "heartitudes"; the states of our hearts are sought and talked about. Yeah...we are the privileged few- regardless of where we are situated in the world to be 'chosen' as medics- what with the extremely strict entry requirements soever for any field. The inspiration for blogging today came from a movie directed by David Nixon titled Letters to God...had it on my system for a while but totally ignored it cos yeah; I felt it was gonna be boring. The story was woven around a little boy who had lost his father and was battling with cancer. In spite of all of these; little Tyler inspired hope in the lives of those around him through his letters to God. Now the bible passage shown at the end of this movie was 2 Cor 3:3- "You are a letter...written not with pen and ink but with the Spirit of the living GOD" You're probably asking this questio...