attention span is so excellent that He can give His undivided attention to
EVERY human being, as well as other living creature, as much as the non-living
things on earth- all at the same time. He formed in us a fraction of his
cerebral cortex which is unthinkably minute, and yet, is an explicit
representative of his; with its numerous gyri and sulci!
view of this, I’d like to quote a man called Bill Johnson, who said: “You and I
are seated in Christ in heavenly places (Eph 2:6). If Jesus is currently seated
on the throne of David, then so are we! We have delegated authority to
establish His Kingdom wherever the sole of our foot treads. But while God calls
us ‘kings’, the degree to which we walk in that position is still a matter of
potential. And God is not responsible for making us reach our potential. It
requires our participation.”
you ready to walk as a king? He created you with a format in place (his). You
can only fulfill your destiny if you walk according to that blueprint…Selah.
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