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Most purses are very representative of their owners, and are mostly borne around- i.e. wherever the owner is going he (actually, it’s mostly she) carries it along.
Therefore, a pulse can be easily related to the well-known purse used to carry money, cards, and some other things that might be needed in cases of emergency.
In medicine, one’s pulse refers to the tactile arterial palpation of the heartbeat by trained fingertips, at any place in the body which allows for arterial compression against a bone.
In summary, the calculated pulse is pretty concurrent with the heart rate.
Purses reflect our financial status (mostly), as much as pulses reflect our heartbeats.
It wouldn’t be bad if we all learned how to check our pulse rates; medic or no medic as it’s pretty reflective. It’s very simple; just place your right index and middle fingers a little inferior to your left wrist, at the side of your hand where the thumb is located- just like in the picture above. Count for 1 minute, note the strength i.e. the way it bounces up against your hand. The normal pulse rate is between about 60-90 beats per minute, at rest. To know more about your pulse, you could also check it up on-net.

May our purses and our pulses make us smile!


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