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Showing posts from October, 2016


QUOTE OF THE DAY: “A leader must inspire or his team will expire.” – Orrin Woodward “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” - Henry Ford “Teamwork makes the dream work.” - Bang Gae “None of us is as smart as all of us.” - Ken Blanchard “No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” - HE Luccock “Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” - Ryunosuke Satoro “Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable.” - Kenyan Proverb “When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion.” - Ethiopian Proverb “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”   ―   Michael Jordan “You may have the right idea to work on,  You may have the right time to start,  You may have the right resources to boost,  BUT unless you have the right people, you'll never succeed...”   ―   Rateb Rayyes


These past few months have been a little radical for me. In what regards? You ask. I have had to write a lot [I don’t mean a little lot, I mean a lot lot] of exams in one lifetime, and especially over the past 6-7yrs- and I’m not done yet. That hasn’t changed, although I can count on my fingertips, the number of exams I am still mandated to write (someone say Amen?) One thing has changed though, and that’s the way I tend to process exams nowadays. I actually WANT TO KNOW what I am reading. Maybe it’s the reality that in a few months I’ll really be a doctor that’s kicking in, but exams no longer scare me. I read to know. I couldn’t help but wonder if I had been conditioned this way all along, instead of reading to just ‘scale through another exam’ if I wouldn’t be a much better resource at large. Of course I had an exam to write the day before penning this down; and yet, I wrote my thoughts, knowing without any ounce of doubt that I would still update my blog on the m...


EPISODE 10 To Linda, this journey had literally taken forever. There were so many stops on the way, from policemen to touts, as well as stops at eateries and public toilets. 7 hours after setting out, Linda was happy that she had finally almost gotten to her destination; only for the driver to screech to a sudden halt. What on earth was the problem this time? The driver came down and after about 5 minutes, the men in the bus came down to help examine the tires. ‘Oya make una come down o!’ ‘God…!’ Linda muttered. It was 7pm, and Port Harcourt was still hours away. She almost started crying again. Felix’s 3 rd call of the day came in. ‘Hello’ ‘Hi…’ she said, sniffing ‘Linda how are you? Where have you gotten to?’ ‘We’re somewhere along the road, I’m not too sure where. I am very tired.’ ‘Linda, listen to me- you will be fine, ok? You have to be strong for your mum and brother. All things will work together for your good.’ ‘Ok.’ ‘Have you eaten anything yet...


My love, Write me a letter that’ll make my heart beat Write me a letter that shows me who you are Help me to see your heart, Help me to know your thoughts Write to me, put a pen to your soul Beautifully reflect the coverings of your heart, Write me a letter, because I miss you Write to me, for I know you love to write Then I’ll read me your feelings, Your innermost encounters, Your fears and passions, Your blood-letting infusions


People readily talk about their notably palpable experiences. No, you do not have to force it. It has been so deeply experienced that it cannot be denied. We have stopped preaching because we have stopped experiencing. There is no real tangible understanding or experience of God and so we aren’t too convinced about him ourselves, how much more preaching him? We need to pay more attention to getting tangible experiences of God. Then, his word will be like fire in our bones and just like a bone is radioluscent on an X-ray film, God is visible in us! Thus, we become unquenchable. Christians will no longer be begged or cajoled to preach, for you are only cajoled because you aren’t convinced. We will preach, more convincingly after we have experienced. Seek that experience this week!


QUOTE OF THE DAY:  “You don't have to be good to start ... you just have to start to be good!”   ―   Joe Sabah “Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”  – Mother Teresa “Notice the small things. The rewards are inversely proportional.”  – Liz Vassey “If everyone waited to become an expert before starting, no one would become an expert. To become an EXPERT, you must have EXPERIENCE. To get EXPERIENCE, you must EXPERIMENT! Stop waiting. Start stuff.”   ―   Richie Norton  “We all were courageous in the starting moments, few of us stayed courageous till the final moments and the world called them successful men.”   ―   Amit Kalantri “Do not wait; the time will never be 'just right.' Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.”   - George Herbert “Where should I start? I texted my old Jiko th...


I know you don’t know this (no…how can I be ‘priding’?) Up until a day prior to penning this down, I didn’t know that my eyes saw differing images. And this was normal. Because at the level of the brain, there was stereopsis (integration of 2 images). This process is called sensory fusion. i.e the same image is seen differently by my 2 eyes and an inability to fuse them can result in a squint (strabismus). It amazes me that even my 2 eyes, formed from the same embryological cells are different! From our vantage points, we view things, if only a little, differently. No two people have exactly the same opinion. Sensory fusion is possible because subtle differences between the 2 images are ignored there is cerebral integration of these slightly dissimilar images, leading to stereopsis. I think, we should consciously (till it becomes subconscious) integrate slightly differing but nevertheless, true opinions and insights to form one sane, complete and single image. Everyone h...


EPISODE 9 Today was a Tuesday; and the Diabetic Clinic was as busy as ever. Were more people becoming diabetic? Bunmi wondered Or maybe it was her tiredness and apprehension speaking. She had heard, by word of mouth about the fight between her erstwhile lovers- Fola and Kenny and bewilderment was an understatement as she watched in shock, the youtube video posted by an eager onlooker, detailing the punches they exchanged. Especially Fola’s. They had seemed so intense and laden with soaring bits of emotion. She had almost cried. Her Fola! That had happened on Friday. She hadn’t seen either of them, surprisingly, since then but had heard, also by word of mouth that they had bought for themselves, 3 months of housejob extension. And without pay! If the ruckus hadn’t been about her, she would definitely be rolling on the floor in laughter right about now. The patient in front of the endocrinologist in the diabetic clinic today was a 55 year old obese patient who had ...