Ecclesiastes 9:11- The fastest runner does not always win the race, the strongest soldier does not always win the battle, the wisest does not always have food, the smartest does not always become wealthy, and the talented one does not always receive praise. Time and chance happen to everyone.
Time; and chance!
It screams at me, literally surfacing from all of my conservations; as if that’s all God would have me learn during this period.
From chanced meetings that carry a singular placarded content: ‘This could have been forfeited!’ to stories of friends who mostly rose, only through the right balance of time and chance, I am truly convinced of this: Quoheleth was right.
Time and chance, indeed, are given as blessings to all of us.
However, putting to use these chanced timings are critical to the birthing, and subsequent manifestation of our purposes.
Every period inherently contains within itself, opportunities and when we look closely, with varying levels of discernment, we discover these diamonds amidst rubbles of dirt.
I wish I could sound this super-loud (Would you lend me a microphone? Nah, just kidding. Ok. Not. Please hand it over *in a pristine voice, you can picture my pursed lips.)
Intelligence, strength, wisdom and talents in themselves, do not guarantee success- only the ability to understand the periods of our lives and their inherent opportunities, to know when to strike and when to refrain from striking; this is what characterizes good success.
Utilize every period in your life well.
Life, is found, in moments.
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