He was twenty ‘n’ five- that is, when he first spoke;
Those words which were the emblem of fervency
His exact words?
‘Life challenges like a mirage;
Face them headlong
Running towards them and they disappear’
The philologist in me is tempted,
Tempted to unravel the mystery of his quoted phrase oh so critically,
They hold unscalded truth, so really can I?
Twenty ‘n’ five we are, when we make choices;
Choosing our paths: stepping into those paths ridden with footsteps of pioneering warriors,
Or driven by dissatisfaction, we forge ours in fire.
Twenty ‘n’ five, is golden.
We all have about 6 needs, which we have to uncover, not necessarily create: · CERTAINTY · UNCERTAINTY · SIGNIFICANCE · CONNECTION & LOVE · GROWTH · CONTRIBUTION, WHICH IS BEYOND OURSELVES The first 4 needs don’t necessarily bring about fulfillment but the last two do. You can have all the comfort/certainty in the world and still remain unfulfilled. You could even switch over to variety i.e. uncertainty-yes, you’ld get adrenaline pumping through your veins, but it’ld be temporary. Significance? We all try to find significance, be it through achievements or by gaining recognition as one thing or the other. Connection is a beautiful thing and love is very accepting, irrespectiv...
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