Love, Oh my love, My dearest love, My honey
Sweetie pie, Honey, and many other golden pleasantries
Persisted for one-and-a-half years that seemed like centuries
I truly erotically loved Juliet
Though not yet a start but a starlet
Did I not hear God clearly?
Or I took the message so barely?
It was one of those messages that holds life
I started after one year of spiritual relationship without strife
By his grace I got her a Bible
Made me seem so reliable
Then I got her gifts that seemed more attractive than the Bible-
Now this made me seem bankable
But ever before all these, he said:
‘Make her a friend, she has 3 out of 5 things your wife would have’
I was calm about it but was not so sure of what afterwards, I heard
He also said ‘I don’t want you to get something like it and not the very it’
All these I heard in prayer sessions
Though a voice kept saying ‘she is the one’ outside the sessions
And I despised the voice and prayed that it should reside
Behold it did subside
Caution came from a legend of faith
‘Be careful of entering a relationship so you won’t go into a marriage earlier
than you should, I don’t want a case where someone would become history in the faith’
This was the Sunday after I went on a date
Making it all seem like the devil’s bait.
Now, this constrained David and seeing the need for her to be delivered
He stepped back emotionally and put eros behind him and never staggered
Flipping through the pages, one year after…
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