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The most uninterested person in science knows, that we all need oxygen- or air, containing oxygen; to  survive; an absence of which results in deterioration of bodily functions, brain death and cardiac death.

Point is, no oxygen equals no life.

And that, is the exact implication of anoxia.

Enough about oxygen.

Switching over to Jesus. We might have to put on our calculatory boots for this little exercise.

Jesus was dead for 3 days. 3 days, of absolute lack of oxygen, 3 days, of anoxia and tissue/organ death.

His brain cells, should no longer be viable.

But, as we know, he resurrected from anoxia to full perfusion of body organs, from a GCS of zero, to one of 15.

Absolutely impossible, if considered logically; but makes sense if considered supernaturally.

Daily, during my study of the Bible, I receive fresh insight on the healings performed by Jesus.

Case study: the woman, with menorrrhagia (issue of blood).
Mark, records that she had suffered in the hands of doctors.


In the hands of scholars of their time, excellent physicians and surgeons.

Perhaps, those of that caliber, in our day, might have provided the solution, but again, that would be a solution 2,017 years late- which is simply preposterous!

Just a touch from Jesus, and as power left him, all the books were rendered useless, knowledge rendered  helpless in that moment.

Man, that hurts!

So, today; is all about celebrating the Christ. The one who defied all hurts and literally went to hell and back for us, and more eye-widening is his return to full cerebral (as well as other organs) perfusion, with no damage to any end organs- without a transplant.

Let us reflect today, on the supernaturality of the gospel, and remember what made us believe.


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